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Each student finds their own field of expression through actions that help them develop 21st-century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

Learning doesn't stop in the classroom!


By exposing our students to authentic, real-life situations, we help them feel confident to use the language in similar settings later on in life.


Language is essentially a means of communication and students need to learn how to use it effectively in order to meet their future goals.


Engaging our students in team work allows them to reach their full potential and foster their teamwork skills without unnecessary angst.


We teach language as a tool which can enable students express their creativity and use their imagination in different situations by participating in activities beyond the classroom.

This is



Seniors A1 to B1 level - Middle Level
  • Our senior classes (A’, B’, C’ & D’ senior) are designed for children aged 9-12 and focus on students’ gradual transition from the Beginners’ level to the Intermediate level.
  • Cambridge - Movers, Flyers, Key English Test (KET) και Preliminary English Test (PET)
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Exams Classes

Exams Classes B2 to C2 level - Senior Level
  • At this advanced level we offer a series of exam preparation courses (Lower, Advanced, Proficiency) which aim at teenagers aged 12-16 as well as university students and adults. Classes are arranged according to students’ -exam candidates’ age, therefore we offer separate courses for adolescents and adults.
  • Cambridge – YLE, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE
  • Michigan – ECCE, ALCE, ECPE, Test of English for International Communication
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English for Adults

English for Adults B2 to C2 level
  • At “YES” language schools we offer separate courses for adults that students can attend after taking a placement test which determines their English language level.
  • Cambridge – YLE, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE
  • Michigan – ECCE, ALCE, ECPE, Test of English for International Communication
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Speak up!

Speak up! A course aiming at developing and polishing your speaking skills
  • Στόχος του σεμιναρίου Speak Up! είναι η εστίαση στα χαρακτηριστικά και τις ιδιαιτερότητες του προφορικού λόγου της αγγλικής γλώσσας, καθώς και η στοχευμένη εξάσκηση σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα θεμάτων, έτσι ώστε να νιώθει ο/η μαθητής/τρια άνεση όταν μιλάει Αγγλικά.
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Seminars - Workshops

Seminars - Workshops A1 to B1 level - Middle Level
  • Grammar Drop-in Centre
  • Writing Workshop
  • Exam Strategies Workshop
  • Budding Writers – Writing workshop for senior classes
  • Story time! – A workshop for young readers
  • Language and Culture seminars for adults
  • Speak up! – Communication English
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Mpizaniou 3, Pylaia, Thessaloniki
Τ. 2310 331160
Ioanninon 50, Papafi, Thessaloniki
Τ. 2310 835248

We own 5 school buses so we can pick up of students from their home or from specific points in nearby areas and return them.

This service is provided only for the school in Pylaia, at a low cost.

Η επιτυχία διδάσκεται

Yπερέχουμε για τα υψηλά ποσοστά επιτυχιών των μαθητών μας στις εξετάσεις πιστοποίησης για την απόκτηση των πιο ισχυρών και παγκοσμίως αναγνωρισμένων πιστοποιητικών.

Eξελίσσουμε τις τεχνικές διδασκαλίας μας με βάση τους άξονες της συνεργασίας, της επικοινωνίας, της βιωματικής μάθησης και της δημιουργικότητας, ώστε οι μαθητές μας να μαθαίνουν την ξένη γλώσσα εύκολα και σωστά.

Sτηριζόμαστε στους ανθρώπους μας, εκπαιδευτικούς με υψηλό επίπεδο κατάρτισης οι οποίοι δημιουργούν μοναδικές εμπειρίες μάθησης!